How to use the warranty

  1. In case of detecting a defect in the Product, please contact the Seller.
  2. For the Products available in the Store, the manufacturers provide a warranty in the amount of time included in the product warranty card - in case of doubts about the warranty period of a particular manufacturer, please account with the Seller.
  3. The warranty period starts from the moment the Product is released to the Customer.
  4. The warranty includes: return of the price paid, replacement of the Product with a new one or its repair.
  5. The Seller will respond to the complete warranty claim within 14 days from the date of its receipt and will inform the Customer about further proceedings at his e-mail address.
  6. If the warranty claim is accepted, as a result of which the defective Product has been replaced with a new one or significant repairs have been made, the warranty period runs anew from the moment of delivery of the replaced or repaired Product.
  7. If a single part that is a component of the Product is replaced, the warranty period runs anew to the extent of that part.


How to make a complaint to the Store

  1. The complaint should contain data that allows identifying the Customer:
  • first and last name,
  • mailing address,
  • e-mail address,
  • type and date of the defect,
  • demands related to the complaint.
  1. If an incomplete complaint is received, the Seller will call the Customer to complete it.
  2. The complaint should be sent to the e-mail address: sklep@tuputupu.pl.
  3. The Customer may use the complaint form provided by the Seller.
  4. The Seller will respond to a complete complaint of a Physical Product within 14 days of receipt of the complaint and will inform the Customer of further proceedings at the e-mail address of the complainant.
  5. In the case of a complaint about Electronic Products or in connection with the use of free services provided electronically by the Seller, the Customer may report it electronically to the e-mail address indicated in these Regulations. In the notification, he should indicate a description of the problem that occurred and other data allowing identification of the problem. For this purpose, he may use the form attached to these regulations. The Seller shall promptly, but no later than within 14 days, consider and provide the Customer with an answer.
  6. If the Product has a defect, the Customer may make a statement to reduce the price or withdraw from the contract, unless the Seller immediately and without excessive inconvenience for the Customer replaces the defective Product with a defect-free one or removes the defect. This limitation does not apply if the Product has already been replaced or repaired by the Seller, or the Seller has failed to comply with the obligation to replace the Product with a defect-free one or remove the defect.
  7. The Client may, instead of the removal of the defect proposed by the Seller, demand replacement of the Product with a defect-free one or, instead of replacing the Product, demand removal of the defect, unless bringing the Product into conformity with the agreement in the way chosen by the Client is impossible or would require excessive costs in comparison with the way proposed by the Seller. When assessing the excessiveness of costs, the value of the Product free from defects, the type and significance of the defect found, as well as the inconvenience to which the Customer would be exposed by another method of satisfaction are taken into account.
  8. The Customer may not withdraw from the contract if the defect is insignificant.
  9. In the case of a defect, the Customer may also demand replacement of the Product with a defect-free one or removal of the defect. The Seller is obliged to replace the defective Product with a defect-free one or remove the defect within a reasonable time without excessive inconvenience to the Customer. The Seller may refuse to satisfy the Customer's request if bringing the defective Product into conformity with the contract in the manner chosen by the Customer is impossible or, compared with the other possible way of bringing it into conformity with the contract, would require excessive costs. The cost of repair or replacement shall be borne by the Seller.



How to exercise the right to withdraw from a contract concluded at a distance?

Consumers and entrepreneurs on the rights of the consumer (KPPK) have the opportunity to use the following provisions. More extensively on this in the Terms of Sale, to which I refer you.

  1. You have the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the contract, without giving any reason, subject to paragraph 6.
  2. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Consumer must inform the Seller of his decision to withdraw from the contract by an unequivocal statement (for example, a letter sent by e-mail or through the contact form available on the Website). In order to meet the deadline for withdrawal, it is sufficient for the Consumer to send information on the exercise of his right to withdraw from the Contract before the expiry of the deadline for withdrawal.
  3. An example of the content of the declaration (form) of withdrawal from the contract is included in the Appendix to these Regulations.
  4. The Seller is obliged to immediately, no later than within 14 days
    from receipt of the Consumer's statement of withdrawal from the contract, return to the Consumer all payments made by the Consumer, including the cost of delivery of the Product, subject to paragraphs 6 and 7 of this section
  5. The Seller shall reimburse the payment using the same method of payment used by the Consumer, unless the Consumer has expressly agreed to a different method of reimbursement that does not involve any costs for him.
  6. The right of withdrawal from a contract concluded at a distance does not apply to the Consumer in the following cases:
  1. for the provision of services, if the entrepreneur has performed the service in full with the express consent of the consumer, who was informed before the start of the service that after the performance by the entrepreneur will lose the right to withdraw from the contract;
  2. for the provision of a service, in which the subject of the provision is a non-refabricated item, produced to the consumer's specifications or serving to meet his individualized needs;
  3. o the provision of a service in which the subject of the provision is an item delivered in a sealed package that cannot be returned after opening the package for health or hygiene reasons, if the package has been opened after delivery;
  4. for the provision of a service, in which the subject of the service are things that after delivery, due to their nature, are inseparably combined with other things;
  1. The Seller may withhold reimbursement until the physical Product is received or until proof of its return is provided, whichever event occurs first.
  2. If the Consumer has chosen a method of delivery of the Physical Product other than the cheapest possible method of delivery offered by the Seller, the Seller is not obliged to reimburse the Consumer for the additional costs incurred by the Consumer.
  3. The Consumer is obliged to return the Physical Products to the Seller immediately, but no later than within 14 days from the day on which he withdrew from the Sales Agreement. The deadline is met if the Consumer sends the returned Physical Product to the Seller's address before the expiration of the 14-day period.
  4. The Consumer is obliged to cover the direct costs of returning the Product by withdrawal from the contract (costs of returning the Product to the Seller).
  5. The Consumer shall be liable for any diminution in the value of the Product resulting from the use of the Product beyond what is necessary to ascertain the nature, characteristics and functionality of the Product.
  6. If a corrective invoice is issued, the invoice will be issued by the Store at the time of refund to the Customer's account. The invoice will be sent to the Customer electronically to the e-mail address provided when placing the Order, to which the Customer agrees.
  7. The provisions of §13 of the Terms and Conditions of Sale shall apply to entrepreneurs on the rights of the consumer (KPPK).
