The moment when a child does something for the first time in his life is extremely exciting - especially if it involves activities such as moving independently. However, with the first step in the minds of caregivers and loved ones come the questions "what kind of shoes to buy for an infant?" and "what size foot does a one-year-old child have?". To make things easier, we have prepared a short guide to sizing.

What size shoe does a one-year-old child have?

A toddler in your neighborhood has just taken his first steps and you want to give him a gift of shoes? This is an excellent idea! Buying good quality shoes is a big expense for young parents. By taking it out of their hands, you will certainly give them a lot of joy. However, before you decide on one of the models from the Tupu Tupu range, make sure that the footwear you choose is the right size.

Statistically, the foot of a one-year-old child is 10 to 13 cm long, which corresponds to shoe sizes 18 to 22. These differences are due to, among other things, the individual rate of development of each toddler, genetic conditions, as well as the environment in which they grow up. It happens that even even equally aged toddlers from the same family wear shoes with an insole of different length. That's why it's important to check the size of a toddler's feet before buying.

Foot size of a one-year-old child - how to check?

Wondering how to determine the leg size of a one-year-old baby? There are many ways to do this. If the child can move independently, the easiest way is to check the length of the foot by tracing its shape on a piece of paper. To do this correctly you should:

  • Pull off the toddler's sock,
  • Prepare a clean sheet of paper and a well-blurred pencil,
  • Ask your child to stand against a wall on a piece of paper,
  • Bring the heel perpendicular to the wall,
  • mark where the longest finger reaches.

Then measure the distance between the wall and the marked section. This will give you a reliable result, based on which you will be able to choose the right size of shoes for your child.

Another way to find the answer to the question of what size foot a one-year-old child who is not walking or standing has is to use paint. For this you will need a clean sheet of paper, a deep container filled with colored liquid. When everything is ready, dip your kid's barefoot in the paint and imprint it well on the sheet, then measure the distance between the longest toe and the heel.

How to choose a shoe size for a one-year-old child?

If you know the length of the toddler's foot, it's time to choose the right shoes. It is worth remembering that good shoes should be a few millimeters longer than the little feet - in the case of summer shoes by 7 mm, and winter shoes by min. 10 mm.

So, in order to choose the right shoe size for a one-year-old child, add the appropriate stock to the length of the foot, and then compare the result with the size charts. With us you will find them on each product page in the "details" tab.

We have not created a one-size-fits-all size chart, for the reason that each manufacturer has different sizing, so we could unintentionally mislead buyers by doing so. For example, the brand Mrugala offers shoes in size 20, which have an insole length of 13 cm. On the other hand, shoes in the same size signed with the Mido logo have a length of 13.3 cm.

Although for an adult the difference is small, for a child with a foot length of 12.5 cm it can be extremely significant - Mrugala shoes will then be too small. Therefore, it is important to carefully read the product description before buying.

Why is it important to check the foot size of a one-year-old child before buying shoes?

What size shoe for a one-year-old? This question is asked by many parents and relatives who are planning to buy the first shoes for a toddler. Remember not to do it "blindly", as this may result in the purchase of a model in the wrong size, and moving around in such shoes has many unpleasant consequences, such as affecting the formation of postural defects. Moreover, if the shoes are too small:

  • The fingers will not have enough space to move naturally,
  • The foot will not bend when walking or running, which will limit the toddler's spontaneity,
  • The heel will not be correctly positioned relative to the knee, so the child will begin to misalign the legs relative to the ground,
  • The feet will begin to freeze, as blood flow will be disrupted.

On the other hand, if a one-year-old child's shoe number is too large relative to his foot, the toddler will have difficulty lifting his feet as he moves or will begin to slide them across the floor.

None of the above is the norm and can lead to serious foot and even posture defects in the future. Therefore, instead of wondering what shoe size to choose for a one-year-old, measure your little one's foot.

Remember, the size of shoes for a one-year-old child can vary greatly from one child to another. If you care about his good development, always choose shoes individually.

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